Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory And Its Application

Posted by Nur Inayah

March 23, 2021

In contrast to quantitative text analysis and other qualitative text analysis such as framing and semiotics, critical discourse analysis had the ability to uncover the hidden ideology behind the language. Critical Discourse Analysis was also different from Discourse Analysis, where researchers must provide a solution to problems that arose after the content of the discourse was revealed.

The explanation above was the main thing that was conveyed by Dr. Haryatmoko or was well known as Romo Moko, a guest lecturer who was invited by the Undip Master of Communication Science (Mikom) on March 17, 2021. The event which took place at Zoom was attended by 186 participants from Mikom and external participants because this event was deliberately opened for the public.

That discourse analysis research method was deliberately held at Mikom to deepen the method of text research which in this pandemic era may be more accessible to students. In addition, the event was also held to provide additional perspectives on text analysis from a social science perspective because CDA itself was heavily influenced by critical tradition thinkers.

The most interesting thing in this event was the interaction of participants who were given the opportunity to carry out the four steps of the CDA method using 3 dimensions of CDA, namely text analysis, practical discursive and socio-cultural. Dr. Father Haryatmoko explained that this method would be able to reveal what ideology was hidden in the text and language as well as reflect the hidden power relations behind the interactions between actors and between symbols in a text.

At the end of the event, Romo Moko gave a message that in order to become an expert in critical discourse analysis, two things must be mastered and considered. First, you had to know about the theoretical basis used to analyze the text. That would give students more ability to see the problems that occur in the text. He suggested theories related to the object of research must be strong first. Second, students had to practice a lot to analyze a subject in order to have good critical analysis sensitivity.