Title : Merangkai Asa Untuk Media Massa
Editor : Lintang Ratri, et all
ISBN : 978-623-95233-4-3
Number of Page : 332
Publication : Ist
Publication Year : February, 2021
Publisher : Tiga Serenada
Citing from the background of the study, whether we realize it or not, the mass media is the answer for the disclosure of information and science. The mass media has opened the window of perception about the world. Moreover, it has became the world itself for its audiences. Almost the entire journey of the human growth along with the development of the media, media captured the society, the society witness how the media was born, raising and (some) found twilight. A couple of the communication science experts who pursue the media studies try to analyze the media from many sides. They share the analysis in the class rooms, various communication research, seminars, webinars, and in the mass media itself.
The presence of the internet has changed the mass media landscape as a whole in terms of the media platform and business. Some media are ready to change, and some others hurried over; while, the rest give up for being left behind. However, it is still hoped that the principles of the alignments with the public will not change. Information which stands for the public, educative program and uniting the society and even the entertainment which (should) take side on the public (taste). The platform may change, but not the soul of the journalism.
Here, the public has become one of the controller of the mass media quality. Thus, it is not just serving the economical and political interests only. In the series of the commemoration of the 2021 Indonesian Pers Day, the public, the audiences are supposed to speak their voices up. Representing the voice of the audiences, we (32 writers), the academics and practitioners from 21 state and private universities have given notes, criticism, and reflection based on the writers’ personal experiences. This is aimed to create hope for the existance and the development of healthy and dignified mass media. Through the book entitled Esai Pengalaman: Merangkai Asa untuk Media Massa, there have been discussed not only about the phenomenon and the past of the mass media dynamics, but also about today’s mass media and its hopes in the future.