Profile of International Students
Master of Communication Science, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro

Islam Karem Rouby Mohammed
Master of Communication Science
Islam is in the second year to take a master’s degree in Communication Science, FISIP Universitas Diponegoro. He is a Public Relations Coordinator of the African Association (National Committee of the African Union), Cairo (Egypt)
During his time as a student, he has received many awards in various national and international activities. He is considering studying at the Master of Communication Science because MIKOM UNDIP has a good reputation that has been recognized at the global level. This is proven by the results of the rankings carried out by trusted institutions, where MIKOM is listed as a world universities Master recommendation. Thus, he did not hesitate to continue and deepen his Public Relations scientific field.

Ahmed A. O. Shbair
Master of Communication Science
Ahmed is currently taking his first year at the Diponegoro University Masters in Communication Science.
His interest in the development of Palestinian Media and International Media, makes Ahmed, who is from Palestine, decides to study at the Master of Communication Science at FISIP UNDIP. According to him, this University has many qualified and experienced lecturers. It is proven by the results of rankings carried out by trusted institutions, where UNDIP is included in the ranks of world universities. The lessons carried out by MIKOM UNDIP are also very unique because they provide hands-on research experience with field visits, so this helps him expand his social network and improve his skills as a journalist in the future.

Silas Hamenyimana
Master of Communication Science
He was born in Gitanga on 9 April 1991 in Burundi.
After graduating from Bachelor of African Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at University of Burundi in 2017, he became a volunteer journalist for Burundi’s National Radio and Television. Then, he applied for a Partnership for Developing Countries scholarship and decided to take Master of Communication Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro in 2018.
He chose to study at Universitas Diponegoro, especially at Master of Communication Science, was firstly because this university is among the top ten universities that provide higher and superior education in Indonesia. Secondly, during his study period, he realized that the intimacy between lecturers and students really helped him to adapt to the new environment very quickly.
As the twelfth batch of Master of Communication Science, especially the Strategic Communication concentration, Silas plans to focus his research on intercultural interactions and adaptation of migrants during the crisis (COVID-19 pandemic).

MD Talebur Islam
Master of Social and Political Science
Master of Communication Science, Universitas Diponegoro
He came to Indonesia for the first time in 2019 because he received the Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship which was organized and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Indonesia. Due to his high curiosity and consistently exploring the media sphere, he decided to apply for the Diponegoro International Student Scholarship (DISS) and he was accepted.
The reason he chose the Master of Communication Science is that Universitas Diponegoro has been named one of the 10 highest-scoring and most popular campuses in Indonesia. Almost all majors at Universitas Diponegoro have been accredited A. According to him, while studying at MIKOM UNDIP, the atmosphere created is very multicultural because of the diverse backgrounds of students. Thus, it helps create graduates who are reliable and can compete in international level because they have a strong multicultural understanding.
It is planned that Talebur will conduct research on organizational communication policies in Central Java and analyze the hegemony and human behavior through a communication perspective, which later on may contribute to new findings for UNDIP and Indonesia. Next, he has another plan which is to publish his work in the Scopus Indexed journal.

Ruben Meijer
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor (BSc): Public administration and Law
Master (MSc): Public Governance
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
Tilburg University (the Netherlands)
Who am I?
I would describe myself as an enthusiastic and spontaneous person. I’ve always enjoyed meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. I (personally) would say I’m a motivated student who works hard and is willing to learn from others. In my free time, I love to either practice sports (football or fitness) or to read a book.
I choose to study the BSc Public Administration and Law and MSc Public governance at Tilburg University because our current society faces many complex, wicked problems such as climate change, migration and public safety and security. I believe both the BSc as MSc program from Tilburg University are suitable for students and professionals who want to work on solutions for these complex problems because you learn to better understand how societies, governments, and politics work.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
I really wanted to follow an international master’s program because I believe receiving education in another culture broadens your individual perspective. Above this, I also was part of the Darmasiswa program of UNY, and this was an extremely positive and instructive experience for me. Therefore, I started to look around for possibilities in Indonesia. The master of communication science at UNDIP immediately got my attention because it is one of the only master programs in Indonesia offered in English. I choose communication science because of the simple reason: communication is vital for nearly any workplace.

Ruiz Kartoredjo
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communication (Graduated 2018)
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
Academy for Higher Art and Culture Education
Who am I?
“The Art is not what you do, but what you leave behind” – my life motto – Which I try to the utmost to apply in every area of my life. Thinking of personal, educational and professional development and career. I am an energetic, very ambitious young man, aiming high by using his full potential to deliver quality results and looking for ways to create positive impact for myself and society in whole. I served in many social and corporate organizations as PR-advisor and Marketing Manager, and I also have my own organization Jamur Institute of education and advice where I especially manage the marketing & Communication department.
As I strive to create positive impact, it is highly important for me to communicate and persuade positivity and change.
At the University of Suriname, I studied Public Administration. Although I passed this successfully, I realized that this was not the route I wanted to go for my educational career. So, I started looking for other bachelor programs and came across Journalism and Communication. Looking at their curriculum, for example subjects like (digital)journalism, (mass)communication, media ethics and sociology, I was triggered and excited to explore this educational journey – and it was a perfect match. As I strive to create positive impact, it is highly important for me to communicate and persuade positivity and change.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
With almost 10 years of experience in this field of communication, the highly changing world and its human behavior I decided to pursue my educational journey on Master level at UNDIP. This, especially for the scholarship opportunity that UNDIP provided for international students and also that UNDIP is one of the best Universities in the world. So I am glad to be part of this excellence.

Thomas Van Schaik
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Commercial Economy (sports)
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
Fontys University
Who am I?
I am a social guy from Utrecht who is passionate about travelling and explore new things. I like to meet new people – and play hockey and watch football with friends/family.
Why did you choose to study the undergraduate/bachelor program at your previous university?
Economics is an interesting topic for me, but my previous master was focused on the economy around the sport world. I love to do/watch different sports. This is the reason why this study was a perfect fit for me.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
Communication is an interesting following up from my bachelor’s, especially the marketing communication part of this study. It’s interesting to get more knowledge of how you can communicate a particular message the best. Besides that, doing a study at UNDIP will give me an international view of topics.

Adagracia Srisoesiatie Pawiro
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor in Journalism and Communication
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
Academy for Higher Art and Culture Education
Who am I?
I am a motivated, dedicated and committed person, socially and professionally related. I love to set goals that challenges me!
Why did you choose to study the undergraduate/bachelor program at your previous university?
I chose the Academy for Higher Art and Culture Education because it was the only institute that has the study Journalism and Communication. It is a practical course and the institute is constantly monitoring your progress. Because my work is also related to this discipline, it was very pleasant doing this course.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
I choose to study this master program at UNDIP because the University created the Scholarship opportunity to do that. After my bachelor study I always wanted to master in communication, but in my country this master program does not exist.

Ekaterina Gitsba
22 years old, Country : Russia
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor in pedagogical education
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
Academy of public administration
Who am I?
Most of the time I’m optimistic, easygoing, and friendly, prefer to listen than speak, try to be kind and helpful to people I face in daily life. My life is active and spontaneous, I have a lot of hobbies and interests in various areas and continue to try new things. I’m still looking for my ‘destination’, but I believe that the most important thing is to be happy every day no matter what.
Why did you choose to study the undergraduate/bachelor program at your previous university?
I moved to Moscow from another Russian city to study in my university to get a better education and have more opportunities for social life and career. I’ve chosen to study teaching foreign languages because firstly I wanted to improve my English and learn a new language and secondly I had a dream to teach children and instill an interest and love for the languages and cultures of other countries.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
After I was a Darmasiswa student in 2019 I fell in love with Indonesia, began to learn Indonesian, and was looking for an opportunity to come back and get there my master degree. My passion changed to learning, researching, and comparing the difference between Russian and Indonesian media, cultures, and society. When I found this master program I decided I have to try, even it would be new and difficult for the first time.

Ezekiel Allen
31 years old, Country : Liberia
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
African Methodist Episcopal University
Who am I?
Ezekiel Allen is a Communication professional with over four years of experience who has supported development programs by coordinating and communicating their implementation. Ezekiel Allen is passionate about youth development, women empowerment, dedicated to communicating change, and committed to contributing to the growth and development of his society.
Why did you choose to study the undergraduate/bachelor program at your previous university?
Coming out of high school, I had served three leadership positions including the President of the student government. I had seen myself always engaging people with different ideologies and diverse perspectives about issues. I decided to study sociology as means of gaining an in-depth understanding of people, their behaviors as well as how society functions.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
My professional career began in the field of communications up until my last job where I served as the Activity and Communications Coordinator. I have come to realize how powerful a tool communication can be whether be a force for good or a force for bad. There are a lot of things happening on the continent but many occasions, these achievements have not been communicated to a greater audience that will see Africa differently. As a student wanting to have a career in communications, the course will equip me with the technical skills and understanding of the various intricacies of communications. While I am an eloquent speaker, I want to gain an understanding of content development, delivery of messages that will enhance growth and development.

Miguel Gonçalves
35 years old, Country : Timor-Leste
Master of Communication Science
Previous education (undergraduate/bachelor) :
Bachelor of Social Communication, Department of Social Communication, Faculty of Social Science
Name of the previous University/Education Institute
National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL-Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e)
Who am I?
My name is Miguel Gonçalves, I’m 35 years old. My professional experience as lecturer in Social Communication Department, I teach five subjects every year: Public Relation, Radio-Journalism, Psychology of Communications, and Theory of Communication. As a lecturer with
My background and undergraduate, doing research and advise students for their final work. I’m also editor of my university media (Radio, Magazine, website, and Social Media). In my free time watch TV, read books and others
Why did you choose to study the undergraduate/bachelor program at your previous university?
First of all, I choose the Social Communication, because I think this study program important for society and development especially in a new country as a Timor-Leste. During process teaching and learning I have been study focus on Journalism, public relation, and other subjects.
Why did I choose to study this master program at UNDIP?
Based on my experience and education level, with undergraduate I think it’s not enough. So I got an information by my friend that UNDIP give Scholarship for international student. I swore with God and choose UNDIP because I hope UNDIP have quality and accredited by Government.
As a student of Master Communication Studies, I hope that will improve my knowledge, good experience, be contribute to my future.