Announcement : The Selection Results For Postgraduate Program Even Semester of 2020/2021 Batch 2
The Rector of Universitas Diponegoro hereby announces the results of the Ujian Mandiri selection for Postgraduate Program Universitas Diponegoro on Even Semester of 2020/2021 Batch 2. Furthermore, the prospective students who are passed the selection are required to...
The Postgraduate And Profession’s Even Semester Exams 2020 Batch 2
We’d like to announce to all prospective participants of the Ujian Mandiri selection of the Even Semester 2020 Batch 2 for the Postgraduate and Profession program, regarding the implementation as follows: The online Academic Potential Test (TPA) will be held on...
Sumbawa University of Technology Is Seeking For Lecturers
Indonesia Goes To Digital, Is It Needed Or Not?
Semarang April 26, 2017- The Department of Communication Science, Universitas Diponegoro in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Directorate General of PPI, Directorate of Broadcasting held a seminar and socialization on Digital...
Public Lecture: The Role Of Social Media In Political Literacy For The Educated
Semarang, April 19 - Undip Communication Science Department held Political Literacy with the theme "The Role of Social Media in Political Literacy" at Undip Fisip Theater room while welcoming students from Hidayatullah Islamic High School. This event was started at 8...
On Monday, Oktober 24, 2016 at 13.00, there had been held the Thesis Defense on behalf of Rindang Senja Andarini from Strategic Communication Concentration Batch V with the thesis title "Tupperware SheCAN: Wacana Pemberdayaan "Semu" dan Alienasi Perempuan" at the...