The Lack of Socialization for People with Disabilities Concerning The General Election
SEMARANG - The KPU actually had a great concern for the voters with disabilities. It was proven by the laws which were made to cover the services for them. Unfortunately, the implementation of this good intention had not been maximal. This became the background of the...
The Importance of Mastering the Research Science For Journal Publication
The workshop entitled "Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional dan Jurnal Internasional Terindeks" was held online on November 10th, 2020 by the Master Program in Communication Science FISIP UNDIP through the Zoom platform. Along with Prof. Dr. Rajab...
Communication Strategies, Ways to Encourage the Effective Public Participation
The strategic communication did not only focus on one thing. A strategy would lead to all effects in communication to achieve its goals. According to the Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta’s Lecturer, G. Arum Yudarwati. PhD, communication strategy could not be seen from...
Cultural Communication Theories
Title : Teori-Teori Komunikasi Budaya Author : Turnomo Rahardjo ISBN : 978-623-7739-79-1 Number of Page : 256 Publication : Ist Publication Year : Mei, 2020 Publisher : Percetakan Tiga Media Semarang Theory is the academic foundation for every diciplines. Theory is...
The Stretching of the Social Media against the Political Climate of the Nation
Social media, which initially functioned as a means of self-existence, was then penetrating to influence the political climate of a country. Thus, it affected the public agenda. At the event held by the World Class University FISIP UNDIP Studium Generale entitled...
Online Lectures During The Pandemic: Collaboration Is Needed To Create An Interactive Online Classroom
SEMARANG - Entering the second month of February 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic still seemed difficult to control. The addition of the corona patients had reached nearly 20 million people during January 2021. As of February 1st, 2021, Indonesia had reported there had...
The Academics: An Accurate Communication Is Needed During The Pandemic
Currently, the challenge for the Indonesian people lied to those who demanded the liberalism which was in the form of the freedom of speech, including the information manipulation. According to Prof. Rhenald Kasali PhD, the presence of the technology had caused...
In synergy with the Semarang Volunteer Team, Undip’s Communication Science Department Gives a Food Security Package
SEMARANG - The Covid-19 Handling Task Force Volunteer Team initiated the Food Security program, namely the two packages containing 200 packages of catfish in buckets and 200 packages of vegetable seeds in planting media that can be carried out in narrow land for 400...
Announcement : The Postgraduate Re-registration for Even Semester 2020/2021 Batch 2
The Rector of Universitas Diponegoro hereby announces to the participants who had passed the selection as new candidates for the Postgraduate Program Universitas Diponegoro for Even Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 Batch 2. For further information, please click...